The Star: Shock and anger over revelations
KUALA LUMPUR: People reacted with shock and anger after it was revealed that the six people who died in last year’s Festival Asia 2014...

Malaysian Digest: Concert Organisers Want PDRM To Make Public The Real Cause Of Deaths At Music Fest
The association of Arts, Live, International Festivals and Events (ALIFE) has called on the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) to make public...

Marketing Interactive: FMFA team calls for greater government transparency in the Malaysia event sce
Yesterday, The Star reported that records show that the deaths of the six people at the Future Music Festival Asia (FMFA) 2014 event were...

Malaysiakini: 'Make police reports on music fest deaths public'
A live entertainment industry group has urged the police to make public their investigation reports on the Future Music Festival Asia...

The Rakyat Post: Police must reveal actual cause of deaths at music festival last year
THE Association of Arts, Live, International Festivals and Events (Alife) is shocked at the latest report that have surfaced in The Star...

The Malay Mail: Disclose FMFA death details, cops told after heatstroke revelation.
KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 — An entertainment association here today demanded the police reveal their investigation results into the deaths of...

Straits Times: Malaysia concert organisers want police to release findings on music festival deaths
KUALA LUMPUR (THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - The Malaysian entertainment industry and concert organisers have called on the police to...

The Star: Concert organisers want police to release findings on music festival deaths
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian entertainment industry and concert organisers have called on the police to release their findings on the...

Hype: #FMFA2014: ALIFE Expresses Shock & Disbelief Over Real Cause Of FMFA Deaths
Following the recent discoveries on Future Music Festival Asia (FMFA) 2014, the Malaysian association of Arts, Live, International...

Lipstiq: Deaths At FMFA 2014 Revealed To Be Caused By Heatstroke, Not Drug Overdose
The six people who died at the Future Music Festival Asia (FMFA) 2014 was not caused by drug overdose, post-mortem results show. Instead,...