Yahoo: After Thirst 2015 cancelled, event organisers seek review of permit system

PETALING JAYA, April 28 — Future Sound Asia, the organiser of the scrapped “Thirst 2015: We are all stardust” event is a victim of a “flawed and archaic” permit application system, said an association representing concert organisers.
Arts, Live International Festivals and Events Association (ALIFE) president Datuk Razlan Razali said the association was giving Future Sound Asia its full backing.
“Event cancellations in Malaysia have happened too many times and we ask that the authorities seriously and proactively engage with ALIFE to review and improve the permit application process,” he said.
Razlan said the ALIFE organising committee for Thirst would be writing a proposal for the authorities.
“Details will be released to the public and press within the next seven days,” he said.
Malaysia Major Events (MME) general manager Tony Nagamaiah said the organisation, which is under the Tourism Ministry, would only support events approved by all authorities, including the Islamic Development Department.
“After the organisers have complied with the guidelines and met all the requirements and regulations by the authorities, only will MME be involved,” he told Malay Mail.
“As far as MME is concerned, the support provided is based on an approved model with the aim of maximising returns to the country.
“In general, good policies, practices and guidelines will contribute towards nation building and create good values, and for that matter, Malaysia has been enjoying good referrals for international and home-grown events all these years.”
MME was set up in 2011 to promote and organise events.
On Saturday, Future Sound Asia said its event, which was to take place at the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre, was cancelled although it had obtained the necessary permits.
It said the cancellation not only caused the company to incur a huge financial loss, but the fans were also greatly disappointed.
“For the past one year, Future Sound Asia had worked with experts across the globe to put together a comprehensive security, safety, management and communications plan so that our efforts can culminate into a music event that is safe for all Thirst fans,” it said.
Source from Yahoo.